LanAgent works during quarantine!
Dear colleagues!
For the whole time of quarantine, we work as usual. For all questions, you can contact us by e-mail sales@lanagent.com
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New version of computer tracking software LanAgent Enterprise has been released
Agent tracking module for Linux, notification of unproductive work of employees, and updating the interface for working with agent settings are the main innovations of version 7.2 Enterprise.
Now in more detail.
Starting in February 2020, LanAgent now has a tracking module that allows you to control computers with major Linux distributions . Therefore, if you need to monitor the employee’s computer, and he uses the Linux distribution, then ask us for such an agent module.
There is no...
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LanAgent Enterprise price change from March 16, 2020
Since March 16, 2020 , in connection with the release of the LanAgent Enterprise 7.2 software version, a new price list is in effect. You can find it at https://lanagent.com/buynow.html.
Until March 16, 2020, you can fix the previous cost of the LanAgent Enterprise 7.2 program for the period until April 1, 2020. Contact us sales@lanagent.com and specify company name, number of licenses and contact details.
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Linux computer tracking program
The agent tracking module for Linux has been adapted. The interface for working with agent settings has also been updated. It is made intuitively, rarely used options are removed.
Now in more detail.
Starting in February 2020, LanAgent now has a tracking module that allows you to control computers with major Linux distributions . Therefore, if you need to monitor the employee’s computer, and he uses the Linux distribution, then ask us for such an agent module.
There is no Linux m...
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Grouping data into categories in version 7.1 of LanAgent software!
The new version of LanAgent 7.1 has a number of interface improvements. So, all event tabs are now grouped into three categories: PC events, Internet and Devices. Also, the currently selected tab is additionally highlighted.
If it’s more suitable for you to show all the event tabs at once, then you can return the old view of the data viewer by pressing one button.
Full changelog of the new version:
Interface improvements: grouping data (log tabs) into categories, for mo...
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Website Visit Statistics and Interactive Application Report in version 7.0 of LanAgent Enterprise!
Website Visit Statistics and Interactive Application Report in version 7.0 of LanAgent Enterprise.
The new version of LanAgent Enterprise 7.0 has a function for calculating the time spent by the user on each site. With new statistics reports you can find which of the workers spend the most time on the Internet, which sites are most often used, who spends the working day in productive programs (work-related), and who spends on non-productive ones.
In comparison with version 6.x, t...
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Tracking time on the websites and on the Internet in version 7.0 of LanAgent software!
Tracking time on the websites in version 7.0 of LanAgent software.
In the new version of LanAgent Standard 7.0, network module optimizations were made, the list of controlled services was expanded. In addition, when intercepting sites visited by the user, tracking of the time spent on each of them is also carried out.
In comparison with version 6.x, the following changes have been implemented:
Network sniffer unit has been improved.
Expanded list of controlled services.
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Analytics for printing documents, blocking cloud disks and intercepting files on them - new features of LanAgent Enterprise 6.2
Printed documents Analytics, intercepting files copied to cloud drives and other features of LanAgent Enterprise 6.2
The most significant features of 6.2 compared to 6.1:
Added analytical form for documents printed on the printer. It allows you to determine in a couple of clicks who printed the most, which printers were used most often. Statistics are presented in a visual form;;
In clipboard monitoring, saving of user-copied images is added. For example, if a user presses the PrtScr ...
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Cloud storages tracking in version 6.2 of LanAgent software!
Interception of files copied to cloud drives and images copied to the clipboard in LanAgent Standard 6.2.
The most significant features of 6.2 Standard compared to 6.1:
In clipboard monitoring, saving of user-copied images is added. For example, if a user presses the PrtScr (printscreen) key, then the screen image that he saves is also captured by the client;
Cloud storages tracking feature added. LanAgent makes a copy of all files copied into cloud storage (google drive, dropbox, etc) ...
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Suspicious behavior analyzer and incoming web mail control - new features of LanAgent Enterprise 6.1
Suspicious behavior analyzer, control of incoming web mail, search queries and much more in LanAgent Enterprise 6.1.
We are pleased to announce the release of the new version 6.1 LanAgent Enterprise. She begins a new 6th line of versions, in which the emphasis is on analytics, detection of non-standard user behavior and early warning of violations.
Main 6.1 features compared to 5.10:
An analyzer of non-standard user behavior has been added. It detects suspicious changes in user activ...
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Incoming Mail and Search Queries tracking - New Features in LanAgent Standard 6.1
Incoming mail and search queries control and much more in LanAgent Standard 6.1.
LanAgent Standard 6.1 new features:
control of incoming web emails (incoming mail viewed through a browser);
interception of search queries (what they search in google for example);
interception of correspondence in the browser version of Skype.
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PC component change control - a new feature in LanAgent 5.10
The new version of LanAgent includes control and notification of changes in computer components.
This feature can be useful to prevent theft of RAM, DVD-ROM, video cards, etc. from computers.
For us, in fact, it was strange and surprising to receive a request for the implementation of this function in the program. However, as practice shows, there are such unscrupulous workers who are able to replace the components of their work computer or simply take some of them home.
So we add PC eq...
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Рассказ о жулике-методисте | История успеха - применение LanAgent в ВУЗ
История внедрения LanAgent в учебном заведении, рассказанная клиентом:
"Начальник методического отдела ВУЗа обратилась в наш технический отдел с просьбой узнать, чем занимается один из методистов, который пишет программы для преподавателей.
Проблема собственно была ...
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Information Security Violation Alert and Labor Discipline Report in LanAgent Enterprise 5.8
There are new types of data protection events for information security specialist notification. .
LanAgent Enterprise already in early versions warned about events such as connecting USB drives, launching a suspicious program, visiting a certain site, the presence of key phrases or regular expressions in any data collected from a controlled computer (keystrokes, email messages, or instant messengers, etc.).
In the new version, in addition to them, you can configure a system administrator war...
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Scheduled video and audio recording from webcams with the new version of LanAgent 5.7
The new version of LanAgent has expanded the ability to record video, sound and take pictures from web cameras. Now you can set various parameters for sound and image quality to optimize archive sizes. Also, recording can now be done on a schedule, flexibly setting time intervals for observation.
The full list of innovations of version 5.7 compared to 5.6 is:
Web camera video/audio recording in scheduler mode feature added
Fixed bug intercept messages from a mail client Thunderbird...
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New version 5.6 of user activity monitoring program LanAgent
The new version of PC activity monitoring software LanAgent 5.6, compared to 5.4, has the following changes:
The network interception module has been optimized, its performance has been improved, and processor resources have been reduced;
improved compatibility with Avast antivirus;
corrections in the network module of the agent for compatibility with Dr.Web anti-virus;
corrections in the report on the computer’s working hours, the accuracy of the downtime calculation has been ...
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Обновление LanAgent Enterprise до 5.4
В новой версии программы LanAgent Enterprise 5.4, по сравнению с 5.3, произошли следующие изменения:
обновлен интерфейс просмотра инцидентов безопасности. Теперь можно всего в пару кликов отсортировать события по категориям нарушений, по компьютерам, на которых они возникли, либо ...
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Hidden video recording via a web camera In the new version of LanAgent 5.0
The new version of LanAgent Standard 5.0, compared to 4.x, has the following changes:
Getting data from controlled PC (client) via Internet channel feature added (for LanAgent Enterprise edition).
Added feature to capture video and sound from the client web camera. Recording can be done in stealth mode from any of the web cameras connected to the controlled computer, including through the built-in laptop camera;
Capture images from web camera at specified intervals feature added;
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Обновление системы контроля работы сотрудников LanAgent до 4.8.8
В работе новой версии системы контроля сотрудников произошли следующие изменения:
добавлена функция получения текущего списка приложений и процессов, запущенных пользователем на контролируемом компьютере;
оптимизации в системе контроля сетевого трафика;
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Обновление LanAgent до 4.7.4
В новой версии 4.7.4 LanAgent, произошли следующие изменения:
оптимизирован сетевой мониторинг;
исправлена ошибка в модуле перехвата клавиатуры (могла проявляться для 64 битных приложений);
оптимизирован мониторинг скриншотов (каждый снимок теперь занимает меньше места, у...
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Программа LanAgent 4.5.8 - контроль рабочего времени сотрудников
В новой сборке 4.5.8 LanAgent, программы по контролю рабочего времени пользователей, по сравнению с версией 4.5, произошли следующие изменения:
Добавлен новый вид обощенного отчета. Теперь все собранные программой данные можно объединить в единый отчет, в котором они будут вст...
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Перехват соц сетей и веб почты с LanAgent 4.5
Компания ООО "Нетворк Профи", ведущий российский разработчик программного обеспечения в сфере подсчета и учета рабочего времени сотрудников, объявляет о выпуске новой версии программы LanAgent.
Ключевые новшества версии 4.5 следующие:
Добавлена функция блокиров...
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Программа лояльности от LanAgent
Вы уже являетесь нашим клиентом и оценили все преимущества использования программного обеспечения LanAgent. Вы знаете другие организации, которым он также будет полезен. Тогда данное предложение специально для Вас! Теперь Вы не просто поможете своим знакомым приобрести прог...
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Обновление стабильной версии системы слежения за компьютерами LanAgent до 4.3.15
В новой сборке 4.3.15 произошли следующие изменения:
Улучшен механизм автовосстановления агента. При закрытии любого из процессов агента, он будет тут же автоматически запущен вновь.
Исправления в вычисляемом отчете по работе с программами: устранена ошибка, из-за ко...
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Программа LanAgent 4.4 - контроль работы за компьютером
В новой версии 4.4 LanAgent, программы контроля работы за компьютером, - блокировка сайтов (по спискам разрешенных и запрещенных), улучшения мониторинга mail.ru агент и почты.
Компания ООО "Нетворк Профи", ведущий российский разработчик программного обеспечения в сфере ко...
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Программа LanAgent 4.3 с контролем Skype! Мониторинг skype включает: перехват переписки skype, запись разговоров в Skype и передачи файлов через skype!
Компания ООО "Нетворк Профи", ведущий российский разработчик программного обеспечения для корпоративной информационной безопасности, объявляет о выпуске новой версии программы LanAgent.
В версии 4.3 добавлена функция мониторинга общения в Скайпе. При этом происхо...
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Обновление LanAgent до версии 4.2.5
Добавлена поддержка браузеров Нихром и Яндекс.браузер (на основе Chromium).
Агенты и серверные части внутри версии 4.2 полностью совместимы. Отдельно файлы установки агента 4.2.5 можно загрузить по данной ссылке
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Вышла версия 4.2.2 LanAgent с улучшенным мониторингом печати документов. Контроль принтеров теперь на новом уровне!
Компания ООО "Нетворк Профи", ведущий российский разработчик программного обеспечения для контроля рабочего времени сотрудников и мониторинга персонала, объявляет о выпуске новой версии программы LanAgent.
В версии 4.2.2 произошло увеличение возможностей и повышен...
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Обновление LanAgent Terminal до 2.6.9
Компания ООО "Нетворк Профи", ведущий российский разработчик программных продуктов для обеспечения информационной безопасности и контроля использования рабочего времени пользователями терминальных серверов, объявляет об обновлении версии программы LanAgent Terminal до 2...
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Обновление LanAgent до версии 4.1
Улучшены аналитические отчеты по работе в программах. Повышена точность вычисления времени работы программ.
Улучшена работа под ограниченными учетками windows. В большей степени обновление актуально для пользователей Windows 7.
Версии 4.0 и 4.1 полностью совместимы (и агентски...
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Вышла версия 4.0 LanAgent - программы для мониторинга действий пользователей
Компания ООО "Нетворк Профи", ведущий российский разработчик программного обеспечения для мониторинга действий пользователей за компьютерами и контроля использования рабочего времени сотрудниками, объявляет о выпуске новой версии программы LanAgent.
В 4.0 по сра...
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Вышла LanAgent 3.8 - программа для мониторинга действий пользователей и защиты корпоративной информации
Компания NetworkProfi, российский разработчик программного обеспечения, объявляет о выпуске новой версии программы мониторинга действий пользователей - LanAgent, предназначенной для обеспечения информационной безопасности компании.
В новой версии улучшены имеющиеся и доба...
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Программа LanAgent 3.6 - для обеспечения корпоративной безопасности | мониторинга активности на компьютерах
Компания NetworkProfi, российский разработчик программного обеспечения, объявляет о выпуске новой версии программы для обеспечения корпоративной безопасности LanAgent.
В новой версии добавлены следующие возможности:
Добавлена возможность выполнения скриншотов в "чер...
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Акция "Спасательный круг" теперь бессрочная
По многочисленным просьбам, мы делаем бессрочной акцию "Спасательный круг". Все пользователи лицензионных версий программ, аналогичных по функциональности нашему продукту, но поддержка которых прекращена разработчиками по ряду причин (уход разработчика с рынка, пр...
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Новая версия 3.4 программы для контроля за компьютером
Компания NetworkProfi, российский разработчик программного обеспечения, объявляет о выпуске новой версии программы LanAgent - эффективного инструмента обеспечения информационной безопасности предприятия и оптимизиции использования рабочего времени сотрудниками.
В новой в...
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Вышла LanAgent 3.3 - программа слежения за действиями пользователей
Компания NetworkProfi, российский разработчик систем контроля работы пользователей на компьютере, объявляет о выпуске новой версии программы LanAgent.
В ней добавлены новые и улучшены уже имеющиеся возможности, в частности:
Добавлена возможность перехвата посещённых сайт...
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Monitoring user activity with LanAgent 3.1
NetworkProfi, a developer of employee control software, announces the release of a new version of LanAgent.
The following features are added in the new version:
Preview of screenshots feature added.
Displaying screenshots in slideshow mode feature added. Added adjustable speed and direction of slide viewing.
View the full list of program features.
New LanAgent version makes the procedure for viewing collected screenshots of controlled computers even easier...
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LanAgent Enterprise 3.0 released
New version of LanAgent Enterprise 3.0 released
In addition to all the same innovations as in version 3.0 Standard, additionally appeared:
Ability to quickly generate reports from data view bookmarks
Function for clearing data for a specific category for all users
The new version of LanAgent allows you to quickly generate reports on the required data sets.
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LanAgent Standard 3.0 system for staff monitoring
A new version of the LanAgent Standard 3.0 staff control program has been released
LanAgent quickly and reliably gives you the answer to the question: what do employees do at the computer? Moreover, with him you will not only be able to determine which of your employees is doing their business during working hours, but also to identify potential pests - those who leak information to competitors, are rude in their correspondence with customers or just chat too much (and a chatterbox, as you kn...
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Standard 2.8 released
Tracking of MSN messages is added.
Tracking of Jabber messages from any AIM programs is added.
Improved support of Internet Explorer 8.
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Standard 2.7 released
Tracking of incoming and outgoing e-mails from any post clients (Outlook, Outlook Express, The Bat, ...) is added.
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Standard 2.6 released
Now it is possible to make shadow copies of files copied to USB storages or edited on it.
Monitoring of printed documents has been improved.
Now it is possible to set a password on enter to administrator console of LanAgent Standard.
Now it is possible to set a filter on data read from DB in administrator console of LanAgent Standard.
Optimized network exchange. Now it will require less CPU resources.
File system monitoring has been improved.
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"Life-buoy" special offer started
Users of licensed versions of the programs similar to our product, but which support has been stopped by developers for some reasons (a retirement of the developer from the market, the termination of development or program support, lost contacts with developers) can get LanAgent with 30 % discount.
To get the discount described above, it is necessary to be a user of a licensed program which is not supported by developers for some reason and has a functionality similar to our...
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Standard 2.5 files updated
Optimized network exchange. Now data from agents will be received faster.
Optimized work with the database.
Improved agent installation interface. Now it is possible to specify the administrator's login/password in the agent installation/removal dialog box one time on networks with Active Directory if it is the same on all computers. It will be used automatically during the agent installation after that.
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Version 2.5 released
Now it is possible to intercept messages from any ICQ clients: ICQ, QIP, Miranda, ...
Now it is possible to intercept Mail.ru Agent messages.
New report types are now available.
The administrator part of the program now has a built-in automatic database update. Now the database will be updated to the latest version during the installation of the administrator part.
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LanAgent 2.4 - control and monitoring the actions of employees
New version LanAgent 2.4 has been released
NetworkProfi, a software developer, announces the release of a new version of the LanAgent program, a tool to ensure the information security of the enterprise, control and monitoring the actions of employees at computers.
The new version improves existing and adds new features:
Extended computer operation log: now not only switching the computer on/off, but also Windows logon/logoff, screensaver launch, switching the user are logged.
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LanAgent Enterprise released
This program is oriented towards large organizations. Having all the features of the standard LanAgent version, it has some additional features allowing you to effectively control a large number of computers:
Connecting several security specialists' computers (for viewing collected data).
Connecting several computer of the system administrator.
Flexible mechanism for distributing rights for viewing information among security specialists.
Sending notifications about security polic...
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Version 2.3 released
Now you can use the dialog box for scanning the network limited by an IP address range.
Now it is possible to save data the contents of documents send to the printer.
The screenshot report has been added.
The keystroke report has been updated.
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Version 2.1 released
Data exchange between the agent and the administrator part has been optimized.
Now it is possible to poll logs by groups.
Now it is possible to update the agent status for a particular computer and for a whole group.
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Files in version 2.0 updated
The data exchange bug has been fixed in the administrator part.
Corrections excluding duplicates have been added to the agent file
Now it is possible to monitor several active Windows sessions
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Version 2.0 released
Now it is possible to remotely install/remove agents using the tools of the administrator part.
Agents are polled in the multithreaded mode.
Now it is possible to monitor file systems on removable media (such as flash drives, USB drives).
Calculated analytical reports and data export (for example, in Excel) have been added to the report wizard.
Now agent log files are protected against unauthorized access.
The security policy violation analysis module has been improved.
Now it pos...
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Version 1.8 released
Now it is possible to intercept visited sites from Mozilla Firefox and Opera.
Now agent log files are protected against removal, copying and deletion.
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Version 1.7 released
Now "active notification" is available: when the user does something as dangerous as connecting removable media, installing/removing software, the agent part of the LanAgent program sends this information to the main computer without waiting for the command to update the logs. The received events will be displayed in the special active notification history window. You can configure active notification (for what events it should be done) individually for each computer in the special ...
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Version 1.5 released
Now it is possible to remotely install agents on a domain network. The agent installation file is now distributed as an *.msi file so now it is possible to install it remotely on domain networks. You can find the detailed instructions on remote installation in the archived file together with the installation file.
New types of monitoring are now available:
Printed documents. The date and time of printing, the name of the printer where the document was printer, the docum...
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Version 1.35 released
Now it is possible to set a password for getting logs.
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Version 1.3 released
Log encryption for sending over the network.
Log update speed is increased.
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Version 1.2 released
Now new records in the table are highlighted.
Now it is possible to remove a separate record from the table.
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Version 1.1 released
Now it is possible to automatically update logs over the network.
The bug in the work with the NTFS file system is fixed.
Now it is possible to send message to users' computers.
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